Submission Steps


You have been invited to submit your work to the most acclaimed cake magazine in the world!

All of the following information is strictly confidential.

Before we get to the steps, please read through a few of the guidelines:

  • We will not publish photos that have already been published on your blog, the Cake Central gallery, in other magazines, etc. EXCEPT if you are submitting photos for Cakes Across America, Feature or Spotlight. DO NOT post your photos anywhere else until several weeks AFTER they have been published in Cake Central Magazine. The only exceptions are photos for Cakes Across America, Features and Spotlights.
  • We cannot accept any photos that contain watermarks, licensed characters or copyright protected branding. EXAMPLE: If you make a purse cake, do not put the Louis Vuitton logo on it.
  • You will receive automated calendar reminders about your deadline. If you have uploaded your photos before this deadline, please ignore these reminders. Remember you may submit your cake photos before your deadline.
  • We do not guarantee inclusion in the magazine, however if you follow all the guidelines and have amazing photography.. chances are pretty good we will!


Make your project according to the theme requested.

Remember that you can never send “too many photos.” The more photos our art department have to choose from, the more times you may be featured in the magazine!

If you have other cakes that are not for a specific “theme” that you have, or can get professional photos of, we can accept those anytime.

Tip 2:  Cake dummies are OK!
Tip 3: if you are limited on time... (aren't we all?)
It's better to have a well decorated (and well photographed)
cake with clean details,than a rushed cake
Tip 4: Send us your sketch too! 
If you created a sketch for your project, scan it in and send it in with your photos!
Tip 5: Not required, but Send in a head-shot, or photo of yourself



We cannot stress enough how important this step is!

We will only accept professional photos. We would hate to have to decline your amazing work because the photography is not up to snuff.

Please share our photography guidelines and shot-list with your photographer:

We will publish photography credits!


Upload photos

Enter your Email Address to begin the Upload Process